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Library Glossary: M-N


Magazine(s)A publication that contains articles on popular subjects. magazines are issued on a regular basis.

MicroficheA small sheet of plastic that contains small photographs (micro-images), graphics or text. A special machine called a microfiche reader is used to read the information on the reel.

MicrofilmA continuous reel of film that contains small photographs (micro-images), graphics or text. A special machine called a microfilm reader is used to read the information on the reel.

Microform – Term used to refer to all types of microreproductions of documents that are made available to users. The three types of microform are microfiche, microfilm, and aperture cards.

MonographA book.


Newspaper(s) – A publication containing information about various topics (ex: business, culture, education). Newspapers are often published on a daily basis.

Non-Circulating or In Library Use Only – Books and other library items that cannot be borrowed from the library. These items can be used within the library.

Novanet – This is a consortium of all academic libraries in Nova Scotia and one in New Brunswick. These libraries share the Novanet Catalogue and Novanet Express document delivery service.

Novanet ConsortiumThis is an association of all academic libraries in Nova Scotia and one in New Brunswick. Members of the Novanet Consortium include:


Novanet ExpressThe ability to borrow items (books, journals, etc.) from other academic libraries within Nova Scotia and one in New Brunswick. Information about Novanet Express can be found here.

Novanet Live Help or Live Help – Live Help is an online chat-based reference service being provided by Novanet libraries. This service is designed to respond to brief questions that can be answered quickly and effectively using online resources. Live Help can be accessed here.