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Library Policies

Library Mission Statement

CBU Library is an innovative information resource center that supports and enhances the academic mission of Cape Breton University. The library offers excellent instruction and information resources to its users through the selected databases, online journals, newspapers, and books in print and electronic format that are purchased, or access provided to on campus, electronically, and through Interlibrary Loan. We strive to provide excellent support and services for the use of our resources through research assistance, be it in person at the library or through electronic means at a distance (LiveHelp, LibAnswers), and through information literacy instruction at the library or in the classroom. The library provides a welcoming atmosphere with our physical space that allows for both quiet study and reflection, as well as group study areas, where conversation and debate is encouraged.

Code of Conduct

Disruptive behaviour is not respectful and is therefore not tolerated in CBU Library. Disruptive behaviour includes excessive noise; verbal and physical abuse; intimidation and/or harassment; intentional theft or mutilation of any library material; improper or unauthorized use of CBU’s equipment; and vandalism of Library infrastructure. The second floor of the Library is designated a “Quiet Study Area”.  Conversations in a quiet study area should be brief and quiet.  Anyone who violates this code of conduct will receive a verbal warning and/or borrowing privileges may be suspended depending on the seriousness of the violation. Those responsible for damage to Library property will be required to pay the Library for damages. The Dean of the Library (or his/her designate) will be present at any appeal of an alleged violation of this code of conduct.

Noise Policy

The Cape Breton University Library is designated a quiet zone making it a space conducive to study and quiet reflection. All library staff and users of the Library should respect the rights of others and refrain from making excessive noise while in the library’s various spaces.

Patrons not complying with policy will be provided no more than three notices by staff or student assistant.  If there is no compliance, patron(s) will be asked to leave the library and, if necessary, be escorted out by Security.

At the discretion of the Dean of Library and Cultural Resources, patrons who are repeatedly non-compliant to this policy may the lose the privilege of attending the library.

First floor: quiet conversation, kept to a minimum permitted
Second floor: quiet study only with exception of group study rooms where quiet conversations are permitted


  • Conversations are quiet and kept to a minimum (first floor)

  • Quiet is maintained on the second floor

  • Headphones or earbuds can be used for listening but only if noise is not audible to others

  • Laptop sounds or audio features must be turned off

  • Mobile/cell phones are set to mute; calls are taken outside the Library


  • When 1. Library and 2. Math and Science Centre staff are providing instruction, reference, or other services

  • Within group study rooms however conversations are quiet

  • An event is being held in the Library

Food and Drink

CBU Library strives to maintain a comfortable atmosphere and  protect its collections and resources, therefore, food is not permitted. Only drinks in covered beverage containers are permitted.

Personal Property and “Lost & Found” Policies

CBU Library is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal property. Found items can be turned in to “Lost & Found” at the Circulation Desk. When ownership of the item can be determined, staff will attempt to contact the owner. Whether the owner can be identified or not, items will be kept for 14 days. Items in “Lost & Found” more than 14 days will be disposed of at the Library’s discretion.

Group Rooms

Group rooms for group work are currently available for booking by CBU students. Rooms can be booked for specified time periods and must be booked in advance using our Book Spaces and Equipment system.

Study Rooms

Study rooms are available for checkout by CBU students, faculty and staff. The rooms can be booked for specified time periods and must be booked in advance using our Book Spaces and Equipment system.