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Library Glossary: A-B


Abstract – A brief summary of a book or article.

Academic Integrity  Academic integrity describes the practice of making ethical choices in your work. It involves a commitment to honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility. CBU students demonstrate academic integrity by earning their grades through hard work and dedication, and by refraining from cheating of any kind. More information about Academic Integrity can be found here.

Almanac  An annual publication containing statistical, tabular, and general information. Almanacs include information like weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, etc., and are often arranged according to the calendar. Celestial figures and statistics can be found in almanacs, such as the rising and setting times of the Sun and Moon, dates of eclipses, hours of high and low tides, and religious festivals. The set of events noted in an almanac may be tailored for a specific group of readers, such as farmers, sailors, or astronomers.

Annotation  A  comment or note of explanation that is added to a text or diagram. 

Archive(s)  A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people. The archive at Cape Breton University is the Beaton Institute.

Article  A piece of writing that is usually brief (between 1 - 35 pages) on a specific topic. Articles are included in newspapers, magazines, or other print or online publications.

Atlas  A book that contains a collection of maps or charts.

Audiovisual Electronic media that uses sound and visual components. Examples of audiovisual materials include films, cd's, sound recordings, etc.

Author   A person that writes a book, article, report, etc.


Barcode – The 14-digit number found on the back cover of a book or item. A barcode can also be found on the back of your CBU student ID card.

Bibliographic Information  The content and publication details of a book, article, or other type of document. Bibliographic information includes the name of the author, title of the publication (book, book chapter, article, etc.) and the date of publication.

Bibliography or Reference List  A list containing citations of resources used in an assignment, research paper or other document.

Book A print monograph.

Boolean Operators   Words used to express the relationship between search terms. These operators can be used when searching in the library catalogue to narrow down your search for more accurate results. Examples of boolean operators include: AND, OR, and NOT.