Proxy service
Cape Breton University students, faculty and staff can access all library electronic resources remotely (at home, in your office, anywhere off-campus) via its proxy server.
No setup or configuration is needed to access library resources off-campus. Log in using your CBU email address and password. If you cannot access your CBU email, contact IT.
Who has Off-Campus access?
Anyone with a valid CBU email ID. Retired faculty who have been approved as emeritus can also access resources via the proxy. Alumni may not use the proxy service to access e-resources, however may come to the library and access materials here.
How do I get URL links to resources from Off-Campus?
The easiest way to put links to resources is from the Novanet search results, that will prompt the user to login once the resource is clicked. Also, several databases have a 'permalink' option you can use to link to library materials. You can also use our Off-Campus URL Generator (See the right box) to create custom links to resources that will prompt a login.
Why am I being asked to log in to this journal/resource?
If you are off campus, you will be prompted to login using your cbu email and password when you click on a journal or database. If you are asked to login again, you may have disconnected from the proxy server or are requesting a resource that requires additional login information.
Having trouble accessing the proxy server?
If you are having trouble connecting, try clearing your cache or use another web browser.
Additional tips:
If you are still unable to connect, e-mail
If your CBU email login is not working, contact IT:
You can access library subscription resources from off-campus by starting from the CBU Library Website.
If you have a link from another source, you can use this form to modify it to work with the Off-Campus Access system. (The form adds our hosted EZProxy prefix to the URL so that it is sent through the authentication server.)
Off-campus Web Proxy Prefix
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