M ► General Books on Music
ML ► Literature on Music - Ethnomusicology
ML 100-109 ► Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
ML 3797.6 ► Periodicals. Societies. Serials
ML 3797.7 ► Congresses
ML 3798 ► General Works
ML 3799 ► Addresses, essays, lectures
History and Criticism - Instruments and Instrumental Music
ML 475-547 ► by Region or Country
ML 3400-3465 ► Dance Music
ML 3469-3541 ► Popular Music
ML 3544-3775 ► Folk, National and Ethnic Music
MT1-960 ► Instruction and study
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Search Tip: Searching for ethnomusicology books? Advanced search ► search by subject: "ethnomusicolog*".
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Have you used Wikipedia to look up definitions before? Try using the Oxford English Dictionary or a scholarly resource like CREDO Reference Service. CREDO includes definitions, eBooks, encyclopedias, and handbooks.
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