As part of these regulations, the final written thesis will be published as a PDF document on CBU Library's institutional repository. For non written thesis, contact the library about suitable formats for preservation and access. To deposit, please fill out this form, and upload the final version of your thesis there.
You can also view past thesis on our repository here.
Schedule a meeting with your librarian: We can help you find resources to search, strategize your searches, and evaluate sources. Familiarize yourself with the library via our tutorials, and our subject guides.
Collect, store and cite your papers with Zotero - this is a free tool, that lets you quickly store your research, and automatically creates the metadata and citations. Zotero also allows for pdf markup, notes and tags. If you need any help please contact your librarian.
Data and Mapping : The Library can help you with finding, using and visualization of data.
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