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Library Policies

Information for Students

  • Course Reserves provides access to course materials assigned by instructors.
  • Items in Course Reserves are short-term loans (mostly 2-3 hours) to ensure availability to as many students as possible.
  • Course Reserves are located at the Circulation Desk.
  • To check out Course Reserves, students must be registered with CBU Library and present their Student ID card.

Information for Instructors

  • Instructors may place library owned materials as well as their personal copies on Course Reserves. They must complete a Course Reserves Request Form to place items on Course Reserves.
  • Please allow up to 7 days for processing during the semester.
  • It is strongly recommended that instructors submit items 3 weeks before classes begin to ensure they will be available in a timely manner.


  • Course Reserves policies and practices are based on the Fair Dealing component of the Canadian Copyright Act.
  • All materials added to Course Reserves must comply with Fair Dealing guidelines. It is the instructor’s responsibility to determine whether the submitted materials meet the criteria for Fair Dealing.
  • CBU Library reserves the right to refuse items that do not adhere to the Canadian Copyright Act.


  • The decision to place personal items on reserve remains with the faculty member. While the library staff will strive to ensure the materials are handled properly, the Library is not responsible for the abuse, destruction, loss or theft of submitted items.

Removing Items

  • Within two weeks of the end date, items will be removed from reserve.
  • The Reserve Technician will notify instructors (if the item is their personal copy) that it is ready for pick up.
  • Course Reserves must be picked up at the Circulation Desk within 2 weeks of notification.
  • Items not collected will not remain in the library and the Reserve Technician has permission to discard the item in an appropriate manner.
  • Arrangements can be made with the instructor’s Liaison Librarian to allow textbooks to remain in place for successive semesters but will be revisited as newer editions become available