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Library Policies

Donations to CBU Library

Cape Breton University Library has benefited greatly from donations and the Library appreciates the generosity of our donors. In adding to our collection, we must be respectful of space considerations and the teaching and research requirements of CBU, but we welcome your interest in donating print and digital content as well as monetary gifts for the purchase of materials and the support of programs.

If you are interested in donating print or electronic content to CBU Library, please read the donation policy below. To start the process for this gift, contact Carla White at 902-563-1618 or  If you want information on how to make a monetary donation to the Library, please contact the Director of Development at 902.563.1648.

Donation Policy

By giving to CBU Library, you want to enrich the Library’s collection and the community it serves. To ensure donated material supports the scholarship and research of CBU’s students and faculty, we must be selective in accepting material, therefore each potential donation is evaluated by a subject specialist. Each donation is evaluated on its own merits but in most cases, the Library will not accept items that do not support teaching and learning at CBU; textbooks and related instructional aids; mass market paperbacks and audio-visual material (CD's, DVD's, etc.); materials in poor condition; journals; and duplicate items.

Material not accepted for the collection will be returned to the donor, if requested. Material that is not accepted for the collection or wanted by the donor will be sold in the Library’s book sale; offered to other libraries; or discarded.

If more than 20 items are offered, we require an itemized list before we receive the material or make a decision on whether to accept the donation. The list should include information such as title, author, date, ISBN and material type. Once reviewed, the list of selected items is returned to the donor. Donors are responsible for making arrangements to have the material delivered to Cape Breton University Library. All donors must complete a donation form, and if necessary a list of items before bringing materials into the library. Bookplates may be added to substantial donations but we do require the donor make the request for a bookplate in writing and include suggested wording for the bookplate.

Material is assessed at its fair market value when donated. Books more than five years old are assessed at $20 for hardcover and $10 for softcover. Exemptions to this practice are considered if items are rare or otherwise distinctive.

Tax receipts are issued for accepted items. In keeping with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, CBU can assess donations up to $1,000. Donors are responsible for the cost of an external appraisal. The external appraiser must be a third party who is accepted as an expert by both the donor and the Library. Supporting documentation from the appraiser must be submitted along with the donated materials.

Exceptions: donations of research materials purchased through research grants or through CBU funds are ineligible for tax receipts. Donations by current staff of Cape Breton University Library are ineligible for tax receipts.

While the library endeavours to process donations within a reasonable timeframe, it encourages donors to be mindful of calendar year-end deadlines. Donations received after October 1, may not be appraised until the following year.

* Please note in the event that an item donated to CBU Library no longer reflects the library’s vision, mission, and values or no longer serves its intended purpose, the item will be removed from the collection, given to another institution where appropriate or discarded.

Library staff have the right to accept, donate or discard any unsolicited donations that are submitted without a donation form and/or do not meet the criteria set out for donations in the policy.


Donation Form

To start the process for this gift, contact Carla White at 902-563-1618 or

All donors must complete a donation form below, and if over 20 items, must include an itemized list for approval.

Library staff have the right to accept, donate or discard any unsolicited donations that are submitted without a donation form and/or do not meet the criteria set out for donations in the policy.