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Decolonization and Allyship: The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Wenjack Fund

Every Child Matters Learning Space

The Chanie Wenjack Collection is located in the Every Child Matters Learning Space on the first floor of the library, next to the door to Unama'ki College. This collection contains education resources related to residential schools and reconciliation. 

Books and audiovisual materials (videos and CD's) housed with this collection can be borrowed for 7 days.

Search for resources in this collection by entering the code CBCWC in the Novanet Catalogue on our website.

What is the Downie Wenjack Legacy Spaces Program?

Created by The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund, this video introduces the story of Chanie Wenjack, a 12 year old Anishinaabe boy who ran away from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School attempting to reunite with his family. Chanie's body was found beside the railway tracks on October 22,1966, a week after he fled. 

The goal of the foundation is to build "awareness, education, and connections between all peoples in Canada.". The fund has promoted and inspired spaces which are meant to be safe and welcoming places where conversations about the past, present and future are facilitated and encouraged. The Legacy Space at CBU was moved from a small room to the open area. It was also renamed the Every Child Matters Learning Space, which serves as a symbol and reminder for employees, students and guests of the important work each of us needs to do if the promises of this country are to be fulfilled.

The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund. (2021, February 3). About the DWF Legacy Spaces Program [Video]. YouTube.

Request an Item

To place a hold or request on a book or other physical item in the library: 

  1. Sign into "My Library Account"
  2. Search Novanet
  3. Under "Get It," click on "Request" 
  4. Choose a "Pick Up Location" and, if applicable, the date the item is "Not Needed After."
  5. Click on "Send Request"

Note: If Cape Breton University's Library doesn't have the item, it is possible to request material via Interlibrary Loan


If you need just a chapter or a small portion (up to 10%) of one of our paper books, we can scan it and  send it to you electronically! 

  1. Sign into "My Library Account"
  2. Search for the item in Novanet
  3. Select the "Digitization" option and follow the instructions. 

You can expect the digital copy of the requested material in 3-5 business days after the request has been submitted.