This guide is intended to give some resources for finding geospatial data, assistance GIS tools and software, and other maps and mapping resources for teaching and research.
Mi'kmaw place names in the province of Nova Scotia (part of Mi'kma'ki), including Mi'kmaw and English names. Includes translations and pronunciation audio files for many (but not all) places.
Created by Helen Sylliboy, this listing from the Mi'kmaq Resource Centre gives concordances of English place names in Cape Breton with Mi'kmaw place names.
Created through a collaboration with Qalipu First Nation ( and the College of the North Atlantic, this StoryMap offers Mi'kmaq place names with translations and links to audio for pronunciation.
A StoryMap from the Geographical Names Board of Canada, a sample of place names are shown with translations, and linguistic families. More place names are available from the Natural Resources Canada data.
Official Nova Scotia place names and data, as well as the naming process for a place and information on changing a place name. There is some information, as well, on work toward changing derogatory place names.
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