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Data Sources and Tools

This guide highlights useful tools for data analysis, primarily those available to CBU users or freely and openly accessible.

Statistics Canada Data

From the Data section on the Statistics Canada web site, find and download aggregate data; time series; community profiles; visualizations; and maps.

Canadian Economic and Industrial Data Sources

Industry Canada offers in-depth industry-specific analysis, statistics, financing and regulatory information for Canadian business.

Canadian Industry Statistics presents and analyses industry data on the number of establishments, gross domestic product and labour productivity for industry sectors belonging to the Canadian Economy using a few of the latest annual data sources from Statistics Canada.

The Bank of Canada site includes research and statistics on exchange rates, price indexes and more. 


Canadian Crime Statistics

Juristat provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system.

Crime and justice statistics can be downloaded on the Statistics Canada site.

Crime Statistics - Crime Severity Index: Nova Scotia, Open Data Portal 

General Social Survey: Cycle 28 – Victimization(2014) and Cycle 23 Victimization(2009) available through the DLI - please contact the Data Services Librarian for access.