This video is an introductory video in our Indigenous Mental Health series, as voiced by Jasmine Peterson, a Psychological Associate at Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology, and a woman of Indigenous descent. It explores some of the root causes of the pervasive mental health concerns in Indigenous populations and communities. Specifically, there is discussion about intergenerational trauma and the impacts of colonial contact and colonization on the First Peoples of Turtle Island. Many of the issues Indigenous people face today are a direct result of these early experiences – experiences that might not be their own but those of their ancestors.
Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology, (2020, November 5). The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma [Video]. YouTube.
A few keywords that can be useful for your searches are:
Indigenous | Aboriginal | First Nation | Inuit | Métis |
"Indigenous Peoples of North America" | Native | Indian |
Name of Nation/Community (e.g. Potlotek) |
Indigenous place names (e.g. Mi'kma'ki) |
"Two-Eyed Seeing" | "Trauma-informed" |
"Intergenerational Trauma" | "Child welfare" |
"Holistic healing" | "Restorative Justice" |
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