A common best practice for backing up and storing your data is the 3-2-1 Rule which says you should keep
3 copies of your data on
2 types of storage media and
1 copy should be offsite
Keeping track of research data and documentation is critical. Strategies include:
Examples: Experiment12_assay_v04.csv for outputs generated from experiments. 20191221_DTeam_MeetingNotes.docx for meeting notes with a research group. CityHIVnc_Manuscript_v23.docx for Manuscript drafts.
To enable sharing and reuse, file types should be common, standard types below. If you are working with specialized software that forces you to use a proprietary or non standard file formats, you can consider converting file types upon completion of your project.
Standard File types
Also acceptable: PDF; OpenDocument Text Format (.odf) ; HTML
Also acceptable: Keyhole Markup Language (.kml); ESRI Shapefile (.shp, .shx, .dbf); MapInfo (.mif/.mid)
Also acceptable: JPEG (.jpg); PNG (.png); PDF/A
Also acceptable: motion JPEG 2000 (.jp2)
Also acceptable: Audio Interchange Format (.aif); Wave Waveform Audio File Format (.wav); MPEF audio layer III (.mp3)
Spectra: JCAMP
Computer Aided Design (CAD): Extensible 3D (.x3D, .x3dv); AutoCAD DXF (.dxf)
Also acceptable: PDF/E; Universal 3D (.u3d); Product Representation Compact (.prc); AutoCAD (.dwg, .dxf)
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