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Indigenous Librarianship: Home

What's Indigenous Librarianship?

"Indigenous librarianship unites the discipline of librarianship with Indigenous approaches to knowledge, theory, and research methodology. It has a developing bibliography and local, national and international professional associations devoted to its growth. A focus of Indigenous librarianship is the provision of culturally relevant library and information collections and services by, for and with Indigenous people."

From Burns, Kathleen, et al. 2009. Indigenous Librarianship. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences (Vol. 3, pp.2330-2346). Taylor & Francis. 

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School of Arts and Social Sciences Librarian

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Martin Chandler


"Indigenization is a process and the action that focusses on incorporating Indigenous knowledges into approaches in recognition of the value and importance of including in the university system. Eg. Education, curriculum, student safety, etc."

From Queen's University. (n.d.). Decolonizing and Indigenizing. Queen's University: Office of Indigenous Initiatives

Decolonization and Reconciliation

  • How Decolonization and Reconciliation Go Hand in Hand:
    • According to Ashley Edwards's article (2019), Unsettling the Future by Uncovering the Past: Decolonizing Academic Libraries and Librarianship, decolonization first allows "Indigenous peoples to reclaim 'the family, community, culture, language, history and traditions that were taken' (as cited in Indigenous Corporate Training, 2017)" and second requires "non-Indigenous peoples to learn and accept how colonization has affected Indigenous communities (as cited in Indigenous Corporate Training, 2017)."
    • When these two parts of decolonization happen, reconciliation begins and continues to grow slowly (Edwards, 2019, p. 6).

Edwards, Ashley. “Unsettling the Future by Uncovering the Past: Decolonizing Academic Libraries and Librarianship.” Partnership 14.1 (2019): 1–12. Web. 

Decolonization Is for Everyone

Nikki Sanchez (she/her) is a Pipil and Irish/Scottish academic, Indigenous media maker, and environmental educator. Nikki holds a master’s degree in Indigenous Governance and is presently completing a Ph.D. with a research focus on emerging visual media technology as it relates to Indigenous ontology.