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Data repositories: Home

Sharing Data

Why share data?

  • Increase your research impact: Making your data available to other researchers can impact discovery, reuse and recognition, and relevance of your research.
  • Preserve your data:  Depositing data in a reliable data repository ensures it is preserved.
  • Meet grant requirements: Many funding agencies now require that researchers deposit data collected as part of a research project.
  • Promote new discoveries: Sharing your data with other researchers can lead to new discoveries.

Canadian Open Data Repositories

  • CBU now has a 'Dataverse' within this Canada Wide Portal! Register here:
  • Supports file sizes smaller than 2.5 Gb
  • Data stored on secure Canadian servers
  • Open to researchers at participating Canadian Universities
  • Widely discoverable on DataCite, FRDR, Google, ORCID. Mints DOIs.
  • Accepts all types of data, format agnostic

  • Any researcher in Canada can register:
  • Supports file sizes larger than 2.5 Gb
  • Data stored on secure Canadian servers (Compute Canada)
  • Widely discoverable on Datacite, Google, OpenAIRE. Mints DOI's
  • Accepts all types of data
  • Digital preservation supported by Archivematica
  • Supports embargo periods, but otherwise CC license to datasets

Domain Specific Repositories

Domain specific repositories are ideal for research that is specialized. There are several well known established repositories in many fields,  (check Keep in mind that many store data outside of Canada, and are often difficult to share and preserve.


Funder Requirements

  • Tri-Agency Policy :Grant recipients are required to deposit into a digital repository all digital research data, metadata and code that directly support the research conclusions in journal publications and pre-prints that arise from agency-supported research. Determining what counts as relevant research data, and which data should be preserved, is often highly contextual and should be guided by disciplinary norms.

Journal Requirements

Many journals require that published articles be accompanied by the underlying research data. Data sharing policies often are found in the instructions for authors.